You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Here I am, merrily tripping along on the coattails of 36 years of intense introspection, thinking I know where all the buttons and dead bodies lie. Writing a definitive text about the ego, (and having a great agent and publisher to go with it) everything in my life...
Out on the Edge

Out on the Edge

So, I’m driving towards Phoenix. It’s late and instead of messing around with Airbnb I did the old-fashioned thing and stopped at a motel for the night. Perhaps that’s what triggered the sense of insecurity and isolation this morning. Or maybe it was the first email I...
Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Finishing up my yoga and meditation this morning I couldn’t help noticing how utterly present I was. No thinking. No direction. No needs. No “I better get going on that book or blog or email.” No need to run to the bathroom or the kitchen or the grocery store....
A radical new way of being

A radical new way of being

For the longest time, I thought “being” meant hanging out in a meditative-like state of quiet bliss—you know— totally calm and “present.” Compared to the frantic state of modern civilization and much of my life, “being” seemed like a haven of refuge. “I’m just going...
Life always delivers

Life always delivers

Waking up to blue skies the other morning, I sat on the deck nursing my coffee, totally aware that my computer wasn’t calling to me. My inner child, however, was making a huge racket.  The beach! The beach! Let’s go to the beach! I didn’t even try to...
I’ll never do better than this

I’ll never do better than this

Ever had that thought? I can’t leave my __________ (lover, husband, wife, job, school, home  … fill in the blank). I might never find one as good. The other day I was thinking about moving to a new place (California!) and caught myself driving to town, soaking up the...