Finding Freedom
Ever felt the world is not what it seems?
Like something other is pulling strings you can’t quite see?
Buckle your seat belt. The matrix of illusion separating you (and the rest of humanity) from love and connection is about to go bye-bye …
Next stop? The New Heaven and the New Earth that only we can create … together … once we know Who We Really Are and what has been standing in our way.

Finding the Feminine
A deep journey of discovery into the nature of the Divine Feminine by a modern woman raised to think and operate like a man in a man’s world.
Finding Your Self
Breaking the ego spell is not about killing the ego, it’s about understanding it and learning to expand it to include everything.
Cate will knock your socks off. She has an uncommon ability to connect with her audiences on both emotional and intellectual levels, and that hugely helps people have the “aha” necessary to make real changes.
- John Tintera, marketing Mgr. Hay House publishing
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Surfing the Zuvuya: The power to manifest Part 3
"Zuvuya" is an old Mayan word for the connecting thread between all realities and dimensions, including time. Back in 1988, American New Age spiritual author José Argüelles wrote a delightful book called Surfers of the Zuvuya about time travel across dimensions and...
The power to manifest – part 2
Last post I talked about the power to manifest, IE. the sacred cash cow of New Age spirituality. I talked about how physicists' interpretations of the double-slit experiment have been grotesquely exaggerated ... thus making the power to manifest aka "personal...
The Power to Manifest
"Thought creates reality" has been the sine qua non of New Age philosophy for the last 20 years, providing the main focus for uncounted thousands of spiritual books and seminars, workshops and videos. But the way this statement is being used is profoundly inaccurate....