The power to manifest – part 2

The power to manifest – part 2

Last post I talked about the power to manifest, IE. the sacred cash cow of New Age spirituality. I talked about how physicists’ interpretations of the double-slit experiment have been grotesquely exaggerated … thus making the power to manifest aka...
The Power to Manifest

The Power to Manifest

“Thought creates reality” has been the sine qua non of New Age philosophy for the last 20 years, providing the main focus for uncounted thousands of spiritual books and seminars, workshops and videos. But the way this statement is being used is profoundly...
Many lives, many voices, much confusion

Many lives, many voices, much confusion

After the Gaia TV interview last month, I drove to Santa Fe to visit a close-knit community of friends who have bonded through training to become practitioners of the Soul Alchemy™ work of Robin Duda, co-founder of the Sustainable Love Training & Transformation...
The loneliness of self-responsibility

The loneliness of self-responsibility

I’m traveling on the mainland after having done an interview with Regina Meredith at Gaia TV studios in Boulder, Colorado about my latest book, Cracking the Matrix. It was a great interview, and talking about negative, interdimensional beings and their...
Switching horses in the middle

Switching horses in the middle

Have you been feeling it? A pressing sense that something more and different is on the horizon? Something that doesn’t have anything to do with anything you’ve previously been involved in or identified with or gotten wrapped up in before? A sea change...
The Dream Team

The Dream Team

Confession: I recently watched an excellent interview Tucker Carlson conducted with Bret Weinstein, an ex-evolutionary biology professor-turned podcaster who is no longer employed by The Evergreen State College in my old stomping grounds of Olympia, Washington. Why...