Freed by Brownie Brittle

Freed by Brownie Brittle

So I’m in the store with an 88-year young friend I sometimes assist, getting groceries at 4 pm on a rainy Tuesday afternoon. And while she’s looking for free-range organic eggs, I turn around and on the aisle end cap spy a display of salted caramel brownie brittle....
Hogtied By Lilliputians

Hogtied By Lilliputians

We can all identify with Jack Black in this picture. Day in, day out, we’re tied down by Lilliputians in the form of zillions of picky-boony tasks, errands, to-do lists and obligations, laws and legalese, too many emails in the in-box, too much junk mail in the post...
Don’t Take the World Serious

Don’t Take the World Serious

Back a couple centuries ago in the 1980s there was an Orville Redenbacher popcorn commercial with a World Series baseball theme where Orville’s wife made a play on words saying to her husband who was glued to the TV day in day out watching the games: “Oh, Orville,...
What Is Your Narrative?

What Is Your Narrative?

Confession: I’m a science fiction geek. Been reading it since Arthur C. Clark was the genre’s “go to” guy. And if there is such a thing as reincarnation I’m definitely returning as a Taoist spaceship captain on a deep space mission into the unknown. (Speaking of...