Imagine aliens from planet Zârtôk responding to our deep space signals by sending a furry ambassador bearing great wisdom and technology to share along with insights into how to create a balanced global culture where all beings thrive equally.

Pausing before making her presence known, she tunes into the news feeds for an Earthly update and discovers that one of the most highly-developed nations on this world is seriously considering electing an ex-reality TV star exhibiting consistent sexually predatory behavior and the consciousness of a three-year-old as their leader.

Intelligent debate between presidential candidates of this nation is non-existent. Lies are spun as truth. Hate-mongering is disguised as nationalism, fear and bigotry as wisdom and blame as responsibility. And millions of this nation’s citizens don’t seem to know the difference.

What’s a self-respecting alien to do?

Firing off a quick FTL message saying “Nobody’s home,” the ambassador mixes up a batch of Orville Redenbacher’s finest, sits back and prepares to watch and wait … and laugh her 400-year old furry blue ass off. Meanwhile, down on planet Earth, few of us are laughing. Which is kind of a pity, but inevitable, I suppose, given our current level of evolution. Instead, millions take to the Twitter & blog sphere to share their collective horror, outrage and dismay over the proceedings.

Yes, it’s deeply pleasurable watching an outraged male who points fingers at others poke his own eye out. It’s incredibly satisfying to see somebody who abuses women, makes fun of vets with PTSD and handicapped reporters go down in flames. Payback’s a bitch. It’s popcorn-worthy spectacle. Yet as much fun as it is, let’s stop a moment and take a deeper look at what’s going on.

1) Never in recorded history has anybody set himself up like Trump.

The Biggest Ego on the Planet, proudly displaying his egoism and the most despicable traits of humanity like medals on his chest—lying, corruption, misogyny, bigotry, disdain, judgment, condemnation, vulgarity, sexism, self-importance, mercilessness and callous indifference to the welfare of others and the planet–is being globally harpooned as a joke, minute by bloody minute, for all of us to see. The immature human ego is finally being exposed in all its pathetic-ness. YAY!!!!

2) The Time of Kings is over.

It’s no longer acceptable for a thug … oops, excuse me … sovereign overlord … to wield power like a club, abusing some people for sport while elevating others who take His Lordship’s casual fancy. The pawns have reached the other side of the board and are ready to be crowned as what they are: equals.

3) The time of the objectification of women—treating us like toys and possessions, pleasure units and cattle—is finished.

Sex and power is hardly a new theme to be played out on the public stage. But never in all of history has woman—as an entire gender—had the opportunity to come forward to depose the King, proudly and publicly declaring: ENOUGH!

4) The obvious proof that a sliding scale of consciousness exists on this planet can no longer be denied.

I can’t tell you how much it hurts saying this but: Me sitting around judging Trump, making fun of him, makes me no better than Trump. Same thing with Hilary. Damn, how I wish this weren’t true. But it is.

Does a high school senior belittle a kid in second grade because he’s less mature? Mean? Picks his nose? Is a playground bully who wants all the toys? No. The senior may not like the actions and attitudes of that second-grader (and other second-graders who vote for him), but s/he understands these people are in second grade. Their actions and attitudes are those of less mature minds that must be compassionately educated so the kids grow up into healthy, fully-realized adults. Taking them seriously by making fun of them just places us back in second grade along with them.

How we elevate the conversation and ourselves and them, I’m not sure. But swallowing the Blue Pill every morning along with our coffee as we rush out the door to get to work to keep the “business as usual” insanity going–pointing fingers and eating popcorn as the Titanic slips beneath the waves–ain’t it.

Of course, the alien thing does have it’s appeal. I’ve been watching Ridley Scott’s latest political TV satire Brain Dead. And I have to say the premise of space-invading insects in Washington D.C. crawling into people’s ears and eating their brains, deleting their morals, compassion and ability to think freely makes total sense.

But I digress …