by Cate Montana | Jun 6, 2016 | the E-Blog
So I’m hiking along a bike trail next to a canal in the woods. It’s a walk I take frequently – a couple of flat miles each way that gets me off my ass, out of my office chair and upright for a couple hours or so each day. I usually go in the late afternoon, but for...
by Cate Montana | Jun 6, 2016 | the E-Blog
Once upon a time, feminism was a human rights movement delivered from the soul of woman and man alike. It was a clear-cut moral and social imperative and sheer common sense. Now the “F” word means rants on new feminism, embodied feminism, Miley Cyrus and...
by Cate Montana | Jun 6, 2016 | the E-Blog
Perfection is an illusion—an impossible ideal cooked up by the Devil. Okay maybe not the Devil. But most certainly it has been concocted by the ego—that amazing image of ourselves we project and try so hard to uphold. I’ve sought perfection all my life both inside...
by Cate Montana | Jun 6, 2016 | the E-Blog
“Food insecurity.” That’s what we’re calling HUNGER now. Sounds like a psychological disease some pharmaceutical company should invent a pill for, doesn’t it? But could the mothers and fathers who can’t afford milk for their children afford pills to stave off the...
by Cate Montana | Jun 6, 2016 | the E-Blog
I’m a feminist. I must be a feminist. Why else would I feel guilty admitting to my best friend that I’m finally at a place in life where I’m willing to let a man take care of me? GASP! Shock! Horror! Did I really say that? I did. And now I’m going to explain. It says...