Hitching a Ride on Spirit

Hitching a Ride on Spirit

Ever noticed how hard most people try to express their uniqueness? And how everybody takes the same well-worn paths of expression? You get your nose pierced, or your tongue. You get a tat—a highly original one of course—of a butterfly or a Gatling Gun. (Now that would...
Imagine …

Imagine …

Imagine you’re twenty-one-years old. You’ve graduated from college or a trade school. Or maybe you’ve been doing some public service or you’re already out on your own. You know who you are. You know what life is about. You understand the pitfalls of perception your...
Coming Apart at the Seams

Coming Apart at the Seams

I hear it everyday in one form or another: people are frightened because they think the world is coming apart. But hey – we’re looking at the possibility of a US presidential candidate getting elected who has no experience as a politician, no military...
The “Yes” Life

The “Yes” Life

I just got through re-reading a blog I wrote last year in Greece, commenting on how happy the Greek people are—a condition related to the fact that “Yes” (or “ne” in Greek) seems to be the single-most used syllable in their vocabulary. Since adopting the “Y” word as...
Transgendered or Reincarnated?

Transgendered or Reincarnated?

A close friend of mine is transgendered, and although she has never desired to take physical actions to match her outside to her inside, (or asked to be called “he” instead of “she”) there is no doubt in her mind that she is of the male sex,...