Ever had that thought?

I can’t leave my __________ (lover, husband, wife, job, school, home  … fill in the blank). I might never find one as good.

The other day I was thinking about moving to a new place (California!) and caught myself driving to town, soaking up the beauty of a marvelous Puget Sound summer day, admiring the sailboats silhouetted against water, sky and the snow-capped Olympic mountains, thinking: How can I find another place as beautiful as this?

This glum thought was followed swiftly by: How can I possibly find another hairdresser as good as Rhonda? Nobody cuts my hair like her!

It was all downhill from there.

How can I find another chiropractor as good as Dr. Dave? Or an acupuncturist as fun and effective as Dr. Mike?

Holy crap, I’d have to say good-bye to silver salmon fresh-caught out of the Nisqually River, sold by the tribe on the rez for $5/pound. And Willapa Bay oysters. And ferry boat rides (even though I haven’t been on one in years). And all the Bald Eagles winging blithe passage across sea and sky. And and and …

California has no qualified beauticians, chiropractors, eagles, oysters or anything else, apparently.

It’s just human nature to think this way. And all I can say to that is: Screw it.

More is my middle name—or it should be. Hell, it should be everyone’s middle name. It’s what we’re here for.

I refuse to believe at this point in my life, when I’m finally happy and feeling free because I’ve divested myself of enough of my ego’s Shit and Shinola (including all the spiritual BS), that anything but MORE and BETTER will arrive on plate.


As we feel more and more and include more and more and embrace more and more so we become more and MORE! It’s just how life works.  So if you’re up against the thought of change and it seems frightening, remember, this is how we grow! Go for it. As for me I’ve made my decision – California here I come (and Sedona too!) There’s no turning back now!