the Sunday Service

The Sunday Service is a kind of anti-service

I rarely (to be honest never) enjoyed church sermons as a kid. Who wants to be preached to about a bunch of tired dogmas and rules? Not me! But now I find myself speaking at a lot of churches on Sunday mornings. How weird is that? Considering my distaste for being lectured to, the last thing you’re going to get in this weekly Sunday Service is a … um lecture. NOT! But the ego is a HUGELY important subject. If humanity doesn’t WAKE UP to what the ego really is, how it thinks and WHY it thinks the way it thinks and then does the crap it does—which ends up screwing up our individual lives and the whole freaking world—we’re done for in a really messy unpleasant way.

The Sunday Service is about dishing up the ego in bite-size chunks to be chewed and swallowed and (hopefully) digested … all with the intent of helping us all live better lives in a better world of our own (more enlightened) making.

SUNDAY SERVICE #1: A basic overview of the ego what you’re going to get:
